Back in Singapore during the CNY

Good morning! Or is it good evening? Really depends on where you are as you are reading this post. I’m awake on a cold Tues morning here in Amsterdam typing this post on my bed with my comforter up till my shoulders! The church bells are ringing in the distance and as I look out the window of my attic ( yes, I’m staying in the attic of one of the old dutch houses by the canal in the heart of the city) the city is just about to bustle. It’s such a beautiful city to wake up in and I feel happy and rejuvenated by the spring air. I can almost imagine myself living here permanently and being inspired by this vibrant water city to write every day.

I’ve been pretty bogged down by work and stuff back in Singapore so I haven’t blogged constantly and have ended with a huge amount of backdated posts. So while I’ve a little time on my hands, I’ll try to make it a point to log in and do a little catch up work on my blog. If you want to have a glimpse of what I am doing currently, my instagram, twitter or facebook feed is you best bet. But here on my blog, you get slightly slower updates but in complete details.

So here I am still blogging about my Chinese New Year period. I was away for the most part in KL and then when I came back to Singapore I spent it mainly with family and friends.

Chinese New Year ang pow exchange is still done quite traditionally at my parents. Oranges, good wishes and then exchanges of ang pow, all done while my parents sit and I kneel. It’s a little formal but the tradition holds a lot of meaning for me cause it’s a time to receive blessings and to be thankful.

I also hurried over to Sushi’s party so I could see my Godson Leo. He’s all dressed like a little Japanese boy that day.

This little one has grown up significantly has already started walking! Sushi did such a good job raising him and I’m proud of her and of Leo.

I couldn’t stay long at the party cause I had a few more that day to attend but we did meetup at her place again that night for a little gathering with the rest of the girls. I missed Sushi’s mum awesome curry and fried beehoon that Clara and I wiped out at the end of the night!


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