Back Early!

Hey all!

I’m back in Singapore earlier then initially planned because of some special birthdays I absolutely refuse to miss!

It’s really great to be back though I’ll be very busy with work and stuff for the next few days.

Popped by my good pal’s pub, MASKA and am glad to see it running so well! I’ve seen the blood and sweat on the back-end of the business and it’s rewarding to see it pay off.

Here’s some photos of the week before MASKA opened. When I was asked to go down to help judge the drinks that would end up on the MASKA menu.

As you can see… the bar counter wasn’t even set up yet!

Here’s my favourite drink!

The colors remind me strongly of watermelon. I can’t remember what we eventually named this one though but it’s a unique signature drink concocted for MASKA.

Most of the guys favoured the B52 shooter.

See the many pretty colors created! Lol.

I should be poping by MASKA at Armenian Street to help Koji out whenever I can… maybe you’ll see me there!

Here’s my outfit for the drink tasting.

Chairman (Koji’s dad) helped stage the lighting for my “studio shots”… lol.



  1. claire
    September 2, 2009 / 9:34 am

    hi renzze! i love your skirt, where is it from? ^-^

    • September 2, 2009 / 10:58 am


      Its a dress I got from FEP.

  2. claire
    September 2, 2009 / 9:34 am

    hi renzze! i love your skirt, where is it from? ^-^

    • September 2, 2009 / 10:58 am


      Its a dress I got from FEP.

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