{N.E.mation! 10} Updates on BAMM

When I visited the teams on their 2nd week of production, it was a relatively short one because everyone was a little behind schedule and working their hardest to catch up. BAMM had their full…
View PostToliv Salon

There some aspects of my beauty regime that I refuse to DIY and would only leave it to the hands of experts. One of this is my crowning glory. Waking up with good hair really…
View PostSlow Travel

I’ve traveled (a lot) to many different countries for many years now. My travel agendas and habits have evolved so much compared to when I first started. While a significant part of my trips are work…
View Post{N.E.mation! 10} Rockin’ Tomato

You’ve already met my other N.Emation! 10 team, BAMM (NE10C02) and in today’s post, I’ll like to introduce Rockin’ Tomato (NE10C08). Made up of 3 members that are secondary 2 classmate at Hua Yi Secondary…
View PostMELILEA Organic

I’m trying to lead a better and healthier life everyday and was more than delighted when I was invited to the Celebration Party of MELILEA Executive President’s Datuk Dr. Stella Chin Achievement in Winning 4 Stevie…
View PostCreating your own definition of success is key to finding happiness

My post might be a little heavy for a beautiful Friday morning so I’m gonna start by sharing some photos of my recent work wear. I’m loving this simple but sturdy navy dress with billowy…
View Post{N.E.mation ! 10} BAMM

I’ll be introducing one of my N.E.mation teams, BAMM, in this post. The four girls from St Nicholas Girls Secondary school are one of the talented top teams that made it through countless of selections.…
View Post{TBT} Beauty and Aesthetics Party

This week’s {Throwback Thursday} post features a set of photos taken when I attended Beauty and Aesthetics “Fabulous & Gorgeous Party” by Gotideas in the beginning of this year. It’s been a busy year for…
View Post10 years of N.E.mation!

Wow. I can’t hardly believe that it’s been a whole decade since N.E.mation! first started (If you have completely no idea on what N.E.mation! is about, you can read my previous postings). I’ve been involved…
View PostMade To Explore by Lee Cooper X Renzze

Hello Monday. It’s the last day of November as well and countdown to Christmas has begun. Sometimes I can’t seem to wrap my head around how fast the days, months, years fly by. I had…
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