Asian Hair

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone! I’m so craving snow-skin moon cake now and all I see on my dining table is the traditional baked version! Maybe be I’ll stop by NAC to get my fix later.

I was talking to a pal about hair colors recently cause she was intending to go blond after reading ViVi Magazine and getting inspired by those Japanese models with luscious hair. Personally I was against it. While I have to agree those gals in the magazine carry off the color fabulously… I think that in real life… blonde hair on an asian girl especially chinese… looks pretty trashy. It’s fine if you have the time to primp your hair and dress up nicely everyday to resemble those models… but imagine on days when you are plain lazy and just wanna walk out of your home in shorts, tee and a wake up hair look. At best you got an Ah Lian look and at worse a messed up lion! So unless you’ve got troves of stylist following you around like Ayumi… I guess asian girls should stick to black or brown or reds. It gives a better vibe in the workplace as well. Unless of course you are just 15 and have youth as a license to experiment and blame for your outrageous choices in hair, clothes or attitude.

I’m gonna leave you a casual shot of me with my very-true-to-my-words… black-brown asian hair.



  1. September 19, 2008 / 10:04 pm

    i agree wholeheartedly.. but i take a more conservative stand; that asians look best in their natural black.

  2. September 21, 2008 / 1:38 pm

    Yes black long straight hair on an asian is very sexy… with curly or permed hair it looks better with brown cause black can look a tad auntie… lol…

  3. September 23, 2008 / 8:21 pm

    heh, auntie is for curly ringlets all over, not big waves like yours 😉

  4. September 30, 2008 / 2:18 pm

    lol… nowadays aunties are more fashionable… i dun really see that much crazy hairdos on them these days.

  5. October 28, 2010 / 8:14 pm

    there are many hair colors out there but i alway prefere blondes;~:

  6. November 17, 2010 / 12:28 pm

    i really like to color my hair and i would love to try different hair colors specially auburn -“‘

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