Andre's Impromptu Photo shoot

Koji was telling me over lunch about how long the queue could be for this particular studio that specializes in baby portraits and she missed the chance when Andre was one month old. It was at that point that I thought that our current cafe was a good spot to give Andre an impromptu photo shoot! I’m definitely not a pro and have not much experience working with babies but I had lots of fun photographing little Andre.

He’s a little Micheline baby and pretty easy to handle. I guess the perks of photographing a baby is that they generally look really cute in all the photos but despite all the sweetness, they are not the easiest models because they don’t take directions and it’s up to you to find the best angle.

It would have been nice to plan some concept shots for Andre but these pictures were shot unexpectedly at the place we were having lunch so I just had to work with my surroundings. For those who are wondering where this is, the cafe is called 3ggs at mountbatten.

The two photos above are my favorite ones of the day 🙂

On a really random note, I think baby’s hiccups are really cute!



  1. joycelyn
    January 14, 2011 / 9:46 pm

    may i know which part of mountbatten the cafe is at?

    • January 20, 2011 / 1:28 pm


      Here’s their addy!

      231 Mountbatten Road #01-06 Block D, Louis Mountbatten Centre

  2. joycelyn
    January 14, 2011 / 9:46 pm

    may i know which part of mountbatten the cafe is at?

    • January 20, 2011 / 1:28 pm


      Here’s their addy!

      231 Mountbatten Road #01-06 Block D, Louis Mountbatten Centre

  3. joycelyn
    January 24, 2011 / 9:30 pm


  4. joycelyn
    January 24, 2011 / 9:30 pm


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