And it was all yellow

By the time you see this post, I’ve left the little island for another paradise isle! So all these posts have been pre-written and scheduled for release by me.

If you noticed the banner, it says “Away” and it’ll I’m back home… that’s an indication that I won’t be able to reply tags or emails as efficiently.

Was so busy I didn’t even have time to dress up. So here’s a simple yellow outfit with jeans.



  1. claire
    August 14, 2009 / 9:17 am

    i love your top! where is it from =)

    • August 22, 2009 / 11:34 am

      Claire, I got this top in HK… Bought it in yellow and black.

  2. claire
    August 14, 2009 / 9:17 am

    i love your top! where is it from =)

    • August 22, 2009 / 11:34 am

      Claire, I got this top in HK… Bought it in yellow and black.

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