All about Botox

The search for beauty is eternal with each passing generation of women but in recent years, technology has really allowed women to radically enhance their beauty in radical ways that no one imagined! I’m a Libra which in many ways makes me inherently vain. But I’m extremely fearful of pain and have stayed away from cosmetic surgery and tattoos.

Recently, I was invited to try out EHA clinic’s offering of aesthetics treatments. EHA Clinic is headed by Dr Elias Tam, which is on the forefront of the latest technology to be used in aesthetic treatments. The EHA Clinic is located very conveniently at Shaw Centre, #15-01. If you want to give them a go, they can be contacted at 6235 3325 for consultations and appointments.

Finding the perfect clinic and doctor is extremely crucial. If having a bad hairstylist could bring you unhappiness for a week, imagine a bad aesthetics doctor! So I did my research before heading down to EHA, checked out his patients reviews and qualifications, found out that he was not only popular but extremely qualified, reputable and has transformed so many lives for the better! The clinic was cosy with one of the yummiest tea I’ve had in a Doctors office.

His whole walk way is filled with newspaper interviews and credentials! But when I finally got to meet Dr Tam, he was not intimidating at all! In fact he was very warm, friendly and prepared to answer all my questions. I wasn’t ready for anything permanent and am very afraid of pain so I decided to try botox to get rid of the lines above my forehead. Fillers were tempting but having botox on the forehead was probably the least painful choice. When I told this to a friend, she rolled her eyes at me and said: ” you can walk in 4inch heels for a whole day but you are scared to do fillers! Should do!!! It is the bomb! ” LOL.

Another gal that went with me, Janice, did fillers and she came out with an immediate sharp nose! I was amazed! But still chose not to do fillers and try botox instead.

I’m turning 31 this month and while I’m not old at all (self-denial) , I do have lines. Skincare and skin supplements (skinbiotics) have been pretty effective at helping me keep lines away but the lines on the forehead have been there for years due to habitual expressions. It usually doesn’t bother me much until sometimes when I look at photos taken of me looking to the sky where all the lines appear!

They prepped me up with some numbing cream then Dr Tam came in with the Botox and needles. A couple of ant bites later it was over. It was so fast and really pretty much painless! I’ve heard that there are some doctors that use fake botox so be sure to look at the bottle that the doctor uses for botox. My main awareness of botox was that it is used to relax the muscle so you won’t have lines. But I had a small dose on my jaw corners as well which is supposed to help reduce square jaws.

After only a day, the botox effects on my forehead is totally visible! When I look up, there are no more lines. I can still move my eyebrows and my expressions are not affected at all. Just that now I don’t get horizontal lines on the forehead. The whole procedure was fast (about 15 mins), minimal pain (ant-bite) and no downtime! You could waltz out of the clinic and continue your day as usual. The only thing to avoid in the first 2 weeks of botox is sauna (heat) and alcohol. The downside of botox is that this is not a temporary measure and the effects only lasts for 4 to 6 months. Since my lines are not due to aging and is created through my habitual expressions, having the muscles relaxed means that I won’t be able to cause myself deeper lines during this period.

My jaws still look pretty much the same but Dr Tam did warn me that jawline changes take a much longer time to see any changes because having your muscle relax doesn’t equate to a slimmer jawline immediately. You need for the muscle to shrink due to inactivity for a period of time. So I’ll just have to wait and see.

On the whole, I’m really happy with the results, the very informative and friendly Dr Tam and his nurses. Although results are not permanent,  I’ve learnt a great deal about one of the most exciting drugs and that it is not only used for cosmetic purposes. Botox can help with excessive sweating and help post-stroke patients who have stiff and jerky spams.

Of course Botox is only one of the many services that Dr Tam has available to enhance the quality of your life. While Janice went for a nose filler with immediate effects! Elrica (pictured below with Dr Tam) went for IPL to remove some pigmentation issues on her skin.

Dr Tam works with all skin problems, hair problems and body issues as well!   EHA Clinic even has their own skin care range to fill up the gaps of certain products that cannot be fulfilled by the current skincare retailers.

There are a lot of skincare products out there that does their job beautifully but there are some special issues that his clients face or requires that cannot be readily found in the market. And for these niched issues, EHA has cultivated their own solutions. So don’t expect a full comprehensive skincare range but one that is uniquely customized. Dr Tam kindly gave me EHA 24 hour sun shield which is brillant! It’s got a light fast absorbing texture and the main wow factor is that it lasts 24 hours! No need to reapply! How wonderful! This is due to the specially patented y titanium ingredient that resets itself so you don’t need to keep reapplying sunblock. I’m in love with this product and we all know that the sun is your worst enemy when it comes to premature aging. Even if you are not into aesthetic enhancement, you might want to give this sunblock a go.





  1. Racheal
    October 8, 2012 / 9:03 pm

    I’ve been meaning to try Botox cause the lines on my forehead are worse than yours! My aunt got a fake Botox that didn’t last when she went Thailand. So I rather trust local doctors. Seems the one you went is quite legit. I’ve already called them for an appointment.

    • October 12, 2012 / 3:52 pm


      Yes it’s important to go to a good doctor for such procedures! Hope your results turn out good!

  2. Racheal
    October 8, 2012 / 9:03 pm

    I’ve been meaning to try Botox cause the lines on my forehead are worse than yours! My aunt got a fake Botox that didn’t last when she went Thailand. So I rather trust local doctors. Seems the one you went is quite legit. I’ve already called them for an appointment.

    • October 12, 2012 / 3:52 pm


      Yes it’s important to go to a good doctor for such procedures! Hope your results turn out good!

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