A word on my belated posts

I’ve mentioned this before but in case you’ve missed it, I’ll let you guys know again. I will be posting up a whole ton of belated postings on the many festive events that has happened in the past 6 months as I haven’t had time to do it previously. Christmas, Boxing Day, New Year, Chinese New Year and so on and so forth… you get the gist. I know it’s really belated but having to be hopping from country to country in the past 6 months hasn’t left me much time for photo editing and blogging. I was supposed to have gone to Paris today but I’ve decided to cancel the trip and stay in Singapore for the next 2 weeks so I can return on the normalcy of my life here even if it’s just  for awhile.

I know I’ll be going off again in no time but while I’m back here, I want to finish up on my projects at work, post up on all my belated posts for my blog, meet up my girl friends, work with my sponsors to bring my readers more goodies and maybe design a dress or two. So while there are many belated postings, they will be interjected with current happenings and events as well.

Anyhow, regardless of how busy I am, Renzze.com is a labor of love for me. The blog and my readers will always have a special place in my heart and I won’t abandon you. Thank you for your support and your encouragement. The humble blog has come a long way from 5 years ago when I first tried my hand on blogspot and had only 3 readers (close friends) for my very first post. Since then, the numbers have grown substantially and I’ve met some of the nicest kindest people; some of which became fast friends. Thank you to my readers and friends for standing by me all these years.



  1. June 29, 2010 / 6:19 pm

    Hi Renzze/ Karen,
    I’ve got to tell you that I love reading your blog. It serves as an inspiration for next day dressing sometimes. Other times, it provides a respite from stress at work. So, thanks for keeping it running despite your hectic schedule.
    There are times I noticed you reply at 3am in the morning to your readers! That’s dedication!
    And although you are of celebrity blogger status, you keep your posts real and close to heart. Your style is endearing and appeals to all.
    I show my support by:
    1. Buying some products you endorse (since I am back in town, it’s high time I maintain my bags with Apple Leather Care products and a spot of online clothes shopping!)
    2. Leaving occasional comments–I am no silent reader. 😉

    I am staying tuned to https://www.renzze.com for good!

    • June 30, 2010 / 12:40 am


      Thank you for being soooooo sweet and very very supportive. I was a little bashful while reading your comment but also glad that you enjoy reading 🙂

  2. June 29, 2010 / 6:19 pm

    Hi Renzze/ Karen,
    I’ve got to tell you that I love reading your blog. It serves as an inspiration for next day dressing sometimes. Other times, it provides a respite from stress at work. So, thanks for keeping it running despite your hectic schedule.
    There are times I noticed you reply at 3am in the morning to your readers! That’s dedication!
    And although you are of celebrity blogger status, you keep your posts real and close to heart. Your style is endearing and appeals to all.
    I show my support by:
    1. Buying some products you endorse (since I am back in town, it’s high time I maintain my bags with Apple Leather Care products and a spot of online clothes shopping!)
    2. Leaving occasional comments–I am no silent reader. 😉

    I am staying tuned to https://www.renzze.com for good!

    • June 30, 2010 / 12:40 am


      Thank you for being soooooo sweet and very very supportive. I was a little bashful while reading your comment but also glad that you enjoy reading 🙂

  3. Pinky
    June 29, 2010 / 11:43 pm

    Hi Ashley

    I have always enjoyed reading your posts. I like the food places you had recommended as I often have problems thinking of where to eat on weekends. You can ask for commission from those food places! Lol

    • June 30, 2010 / 12:44 am


      Thanks. I recommend places that I personally find good and I also get good recommendations from other food sites and readers! It’s a good exchange of information since we all love good food!

  4. Pinky
    June 29, 2010 / 11:43 pm

    Hi Ashley

    I have always enjoyed reading your posts. I like the food places you had recommended as I often have problems thinking of where to eat on weekends. You can ask for commission from those food places! Lol

    • June 30, 2010 / 12:44 am


      Thanks. I recommend places that I personally find good and I also get good recommendations from other food sites and readers! It’s a good exchange of information since we all love good food!

  5. Pinky
    June 29, 2010 / 11:45 pm

    I often do wonder where you squeeze your time from. Blogging and touching up pictures on the plane? You must have a lot of hard disks and SD cards at home!

    • June 30, 2010 / 12:47 am


      Lol… I actually do blog on the go and then schedule my posts on the blog. Watermarking and uploading photos is probably the most time consuming of all which explains why my photos and posts are so slow!!! I’m actually a tech hoarder and a closeted geek! Lots of SD cards, hard drives and computers.

  6. Pinky
    June 29, 2010 / 11:45 pm

    I often do wonder where you squeeze your time from. Blogging and touching up pictures on the plane? You must have a lot of hard disks and SD cards at home!

    • June 30, 2010 / 12:47 am


      Lol… I actually do blog on the go and then schedule my posts on the blog. Watermarking and uploading photos is probably the most time consuming of all which explains why my photos and posts are so slow!!! I’m actually a tech hoarder and a closeted geek! Lots of SD cards, hard drives and computers.

  7. Vivien
    July 2, 2010 / 11:19 am

    Thank You for your Blog too, dear Renzee aka Karen!!!
    I really enjoy reading it! Don’t ever stop!!! 😀
    LoVe your Fashion sense, all your Pretty clothes, shoes and You!!!
    And all your travelling and scenery Photos! God Bless!!! 😀

    • July 3, 2010 / 12:58 am


      So nice to see you here! Thank you so much for your support 🙂

  8. Vivien
    July 2, 2010 / 11:19 am

    Thank You for your Blog too, dear Renzee aka Karen!!!
    I really enjoy reading it! Don’t ever stop!!! 😀
    LoVe your Fashion sense, all your Pretty clothes, shoes and You!!!
    And all your travelling and scenery Photos! God Bless!!! 😀

    • July 3, 2010 / 12:58 am


      So nice to see you here! Thank you so much for your support 🙂

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