So Many Weddings So Little Time

Recently I keep getting the “Red Bomb” (wedding invites)! Besides loving to see goosebumpie happy lovely couples on their special day…it’s pretty interesting to get invited to a friend’s wedding and meeting up with old old friends that you’ve not seen in years! How we have change! I usually forget that I get older each passing year but when I see the significant changes in my ex-classmates I can’t help but count back the years and wonder how much we’ve moved on in the last 10 years! It’s a little sad that most of us are so busy getting on with life we fail to catch up with our past. So I’m gonna always remember to take time to spend with the people I’ve neglected all these years cuz every chance encounter with every soul we meet is an opportunity for us to imprint a positive memory to make our existance more worthwhile.

I’ve yet to get all the pictures from the brides of the weddings I attended… will update with more pictures when I’ve got the pics from the brides! The picture I took on my camera are all gone!!!

I’m soooo irritated that I lost all my pictures including the ones of my korean trip… My HD was getting a little packed with the millions of pictures I got so i decided to use Picasa to burn them into CD’s to store them away and free some space on my comp… I checked the files on the disc before I deleted the original copies away. To my HORROR… when I tried opening the pics from the disk to cpy back to my computer only a few could be uploaded cuz the rest were corrupted… it’s so sad!!! I’m gonnna just store my pics online from now on!

These 2 pics were one of the few pics I salavaged… It was taken after I came home from Melissa’s wedding.



  1. Audrey
    October 12, 2006 / 12:57 pm

    Hi godma, the pictures of u is really nice. i like the curls. nice curls. 🙂

  2. October 12, 2006 / 1:46 pm

    I DIYed my curls…quite easy but time consuming.. thinking if i should go perm my hair when i’m in Japan..

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