Emmie visits the vet

Well, this is the outfit I wore to take my dogs to the vet. Some of you might have already heard but my Emmie wasn’t doing too well recently. She had some blood in her urine so I took her to the vet and after blood test and an X-tray, the results were out. She has 5 big stones in her bladder as well as UTI. This means she has pressure at her bladder so she cannot control it well and it burns. The stones are spikey and scrapes her bladder which explains the blood in her urine. The vet gave her antibiotics and put Emmie on a really expensive special diet and told us to keep our fingers cross that her stones will reduce in size… if in 2 months that doesn’t happen, Emmie would need surgery.

Even if the stones do go away, Emmie needs to be on special diet for the rest of her life or the stones will reappear. And this is rather costly… her diet which can only be purchased from vets is costs about $6 a day. And her pills is $2.50 each. But she is family so expensive as it be, I’ll have to give her the best care. I only pray that she doesn’t need expensive and painful surgery as well.

Emmie has been really strong and good about the whole thing. She’s active and plays as usual, doesn’t whine or complain even when she’s in pain. The other day, she gave me quite a scare. I came home from work around 5pm and Emmie couldn’t pass urine. She kept trying every 5 mins but nothing came out. I wasn’t too sure what was happening at first, so I tried feeding her water, thinking that she was dehydrated or something.She’s been such a sweetheart and not whining or acting differently that I didn’t know it was an emergency, I just thought I’ll take her to the vet first thing in the morning. When it was meal time (which she’s excited over), she couldn’t eat. She ate a little and started whining. I panicked and called the animal hospital.

The guy on the line told me that one of Emmie’s stone has probably blocked her urinary tract and if we don’t get her to the hospital immediately, she could explode internally and die. He told me it was an emergency case and I was to prepare at least $800 for the consultation fees and blood work and X-ray. After her condition was diagnose, I’ll know what other treatment and fees was require ( on top of that, he was actually hinting that if I couldn’t afford it that they weren’t gonna save her.) I immediately packed up some stuff and was ready to drive Emmie to the hospital. 

But in the midst of my frantic state, I suddenly noticed a pool of urine. I wasn’t sure if it was Emmie or my other dog, Louis who urined. I took Emmie to her pee tray and asked her to try again. Lo and behold, she peed a nice little pool into the tray! And together with it, a tiny little white crystalize stone. She managed to overcome her blockage and pee it out! I think I was over-the-moon to know that she was safe and healthy again. I monitored her for a day or 2 and called the vet to ask if Emmie needs to be taken in and it seems all is well.

I’m really keeping my fingers crossed that by next month when Emmie goes for her check up, I’ll hear good news. Do pray for my dear Emmie too.



  1. jac
    May 5, 2009 / 2:33 am

    I will do that.. I believe,together with you that Emmie will be Alright and you will hear of good news very soon. Everything will be ok!

  2. jac
    May 5, 2009 / 2:33 am

    I will do that.. I believe,together with you that Emmie will be Alright and you will hear of good news very soon. Everything will be ok!

  3. May 5, 2009 / 6:48 am

    poor emmie, i’ll be praying for her!! =(

  4. May 5, 2009 / 6:48 am

    poor emmie, i’ll be praying for her!! =(

  5. Ivy
    May 5, 2009 / 9:17 am

    hey karen, emmie will get better..I’ve seen my dog fight through her surgery last year. don’t worry. =)

  6. Ivy
    May 5, 2009 / 9:17 am

    hey karen, emmie will get better..I’ve seen my dog fight through her surgery last year. don’t worry. =)

  7. Eileen
    May 5, 2009 / 11:23 am

    Zen had struvite cyrstals when he was much younger. What cyrstals is Emmie having? I say, seek a second opinion.

  8. Eileen
    May 5, 2009 / 11:23 am

    Zen had struvite cyrstals when he was much younger. What cyrstals is Emmie having? I say, seek a second opinion.

  9. May 5, 2009 / 11:04 pm

    Hi Karen,

    I hope Emmie will get better soon! Hugz! I’m sure everything will be fine…

  10. May 5, 2009 / 11:04 pm

    Hi Karen,

    I hope Emmie will get better soon! Hugz! I’m sure everything will be fine…

  11. May 6, 2009 / 1:14 am


    thanks, I’m looking forward to good news on her next appointment.


    Thanks for your prayers. Every bit helps!


    Gosh… it must be hard to see your dog in pain… I’m glad all is well with her now.


    I didn’t know Zen had crystals too… which vet did u take him to? Mine didn’t tell me the type of crystals Emmie has. Does Zen still have to take special diet?


    Thanks babe, at least for now she seems to be absolutely normal.

  12. May 6, 2009 / 1:14 am


    thanks, I’m looking forward to good news on her next appointment.


    Thanks for your prayers. Every bit helps!


    Gosh… it must be hard to see your dog in pain… I’m glad all is well with her now.


    I didn’t know Zen had crystals too… which vet did u take him to? Mine didn’t tell me the type of crystals Emmie has. Does Zen still have to take special diet?


    Thanks babe, at least for now she seems to be absolutely normal.

  13. May 7, 2009 / 1:06 pm

    boh tong,

    I really don’t think I am. Was just taking my dog to the vet.

  14. May 7, 2009 / 1:06 pm

    boh tong,

    I really don’t think I am. Was just taking my dog to the vet.

  15. Yan
    May 7, 2009 / 8:14 pm

    That was rather inappropriate…
    How’s Emmie anyway? Must get her to drink more water and pass out more to get rid of the infection. Should avoid anything too heaty as well (I am assuming it’s pretty much the same as in humans…)

  16. Yan
    May 7, 2009 / 8:14 pm

    That was rather inappropriate…
    How’s Emmie anyway? Must get her to drink more water and pass out more to get rid of the infection. Should avoid anything too heaty as well (I am assuming it’s pretty much the same as in humans…)

  17. May 8, 2009 / 4:51 pm

    Poor Emmie. She is a brave brave girl! I pray for her and hope the condition will take a better turn soon.

  18. May 8, 2009 / 4:51 pm

    Poor Emmie. She is a brave brave girl! I pray for her and hope the condition will take a better turn soon.

  19. May 9, 2009 / 1:52 am


    Yes drinking lots of water is recommended, she’s doing much better these days and i’m really glad since I’ve got to be away for awhile.


    Thanks for your prayers. She’s a lucky girl to have sweet thoughts from people she hasn’t even met! And she is much better these days.

  20. May 9, 2009 / 1:52 am


    Yes drinking lots of water is recommended, she’s doing much better these days and i’m really glad since I’ve got to be away for awhile.


    Thanks for your prayers. She’s a lucky girl to have sweet thoughts from people she hasn’t even met! And she is much better these days.

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