Think of Our Boys

Awhile back, Regina and I were invited to a Singapore Armed Forces Event “Think Of Our Boys”. It’s fantastic to learn what the SAF has been up to and take a sneak peak into the experiences of the many men (and women) that serve our country and protect our land.

Even though I had to wake up bright and early on a weekend to travel to the Army Museum, it was an interesting day getting to interact and hear the thoughts of the full-time National Servicemen (NSFs) training at the Office Cadet School (OCS). When I listened to their stories and motivations for being a part of the SAF, I’m awed by their choice to serve our country above all the other possible choices they have in life. I’m really proud that Singapore has such talents and as a mother, sister, daughter or wife, we should give all our boys (and girls) in the SAF our fullest support.

Regina and I had specially wore military inspired outfits just for this event and to compliment that, they had prepared a specially customized dog tag for us. Our nails were also given a military themed makeover at the event!

We then took a tour of the OCS compound learning about the many symbolisms that have been fused into the architecture of the buildings.

The Officer’s Creed that every officer has repeated and believe in:

“I am an officer of the Singapore Armed Forces.

My duty is to lead, to excel and to overcome.

I lead my men by example.

I answer for their training, morale and discipline.

I must excel in everything I do.

I serve with pride, honour and integrity.

I will overcome adversity with courage, fortitude and determination.

I dedicate my life to Singapore.”

It’s the last line that really caught my attention. Serving Singapore in the military is not just a job. It’s a dedication of their lives to the country so that we ordinary citizens can be protected, safety of our families are ensured, our jobs are secure and that we may gain prosperity. We have so much to be thankful for.

The event was not just educational but pretty interesting as well. I also loved how cute the NS themed cupcakes were!

Before we left, we were given a chance to write a note to our boys serving the country to let them know that we were thinking of them.

Here’s mine.

I mean it with all my heart!

Thank you SAF for the invite and for the cutest goodie pack. I especially love the rifle USB and F-16 golden pin!






Outfit of the day

Here’s a closer look to the military themed outfit I put together for the event.

Top: Alexander McQueen

Bottom: Forever 21

Necklace, cuffs and bag: Hermes

Watch and boots: Chanel

Extra: I swapped my necklace during the event to the specially customized RENZZE dog tag by SAF.


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