Por Kee Eating House

Por Kee Eating House is a Zi Char restaurant highly recommended to me by Jocelyn and her hubby. So when she suggested we head there for dinner, we were all game! Thanks to Jocelyn for the treat and for introducing me a new yummy restaurant choice!

Instead of the usual peanuts, the appetizer dish laid out for us at the table was a plate of pretty yummy achar while orders were being made.

A simple plate of vegetables to start off with. I love having garlic stir fry vegetables whenever I have a zi char meal because usually most of the dishes are rather rich and sinful and having simple vegetables just complements the meal nicely.


The Thai style steam fish was fresh and rather soupy which I like! I enjoyed pouring the tasty soup-like gravy over my rice as I enjoyed the fish.

Next came the champagne pork ribs that was super sinful by very very yummy! The restaurant had recommended this to us as one of their signature dishes.

My favorite that night is probably the braised homemade tou fu with mushrooms! Lovely texture and gorgeous sauce! I have a weakness for tou fu and this one hits the right spot!

Finally the dessert. Orh Nee or Yam Paste in Teochew style. This was actually the driving factor for us to give this restaurant a try because Jocelyn advocates that this is the best Orh Nee she has tried in Singapore and would normally order an extra takeaway in medium size for sole consumption which she could finish while watching TV! Even though I would not be able to finish a medium bowl of this in one sitting, I totally agree  with Jocelyn that the Orh Nee here is good and it is also very different from other places as it’s mixed with corn which I love!

If you are looking for food in the Tiong Bahru Area, you could give them a go.

Por Kee Eating House

69 Seng Poh Lane

Singapore 160069

+65 6221 0582




  1. November 2, 2012 / 11:58 am

    Hello! JasmineVictorina here! We met at Woody’s (: Nice photographs you’ve got! 😀

    • November 3, 2012 / 3:16 pm

      Hi Jasmine Victoria and Blackswan,

      Nice meeting both of you at woody too! Will link both of you up when I post my Woody review up. You both have such great pics!

  2. November 2, 2012 / 11:58 am

    Hello! JasmineVictorina here! We met at Woody’s (: Nice photographs you’ve got! 😀

    • November 3, 2012 / 3:16 pm

      Hi Jasmine Victoria and Blackswan,

      Nice meeting both of you at woody too! Will link both of you up when I post my Woody review up. You both have such great pics!

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