Fullerton Staycation yet again!

Shortly after the first time I had my first staycation at The Fullerton, I booked another one there because I enjoyed it so much the first time!

I highly recommend getting a room with a good balcony if you are staying there. There is a sort of calm that descends the CBD area in the late night that you don’t normally see in the day. Having a drink on the balcony and catching up with an old friend seems almost perfect. It’s like how Danny Crane and Alan Shore in one of my all -time favorite TV series, Boston Legal, would choose to end the night.

The room offered unlimited wifi so it was very tempting to spend the whole night checking Facebook or talking on Skype but I limited myself to just a few necessary email checks because I couldn’t get an all clear weekend from the office. I definitely getting used to the staycation idea. In fact my girlfriends read my last staycation post and said they would like to organize one with me in October. I can’t wait!

On a more personal note, my personal life and work life have been too entwined and it was getting hard to separate the two. When does work end and fun begins? Of course, it works the other way as well and there are many occasions where work was too fun to be called work! But I learnt in the last few months that I need a clear distinction between the two and thats what I’ve planned. I won’t be around in Singapore much in September but starting October, I’m going to be able to focus more on the people that matter and to be able to write more on my blog. I’m really grateful to be working for a boss that is just wonderful and always understands.

Back to the topic so I don’t digress too far, for this 2nd round of staycation at The Fullerton, it was a short 2 days 1 night but it included a sumptuous brunch in the hotel the next day.

I’m don’t usually go for buffets cause I prefer the concept of being served at the table when I go to a restaurant but I have to agree that buffet does give you a lot of chances to sample a wide range of different food within one seating.

Fullerton Hotel had a beautiful spread of local dishes. There were so many I got full just trying a tiny amount of each type even though there were quite a number of dishes I would love to have a 2nd helping off.

I really enjoyed making my own rojak! I especially love having extra green apples, tau pok and you tiao in my rojak!

The photos of the food that you see here are only a fraction of the food available cause I didn’t take photos of everything. Even then, it already gives you an idea of the enormous selection.

Having a super late check out of 5pm meant I could wake up at 11am, head down for an easy lazy brunch without  needing to put on any makeup or dress up, stroll the river after that to let the food settle in, read a magazine, go for a swim, bathe and take a nap before having to check out. It was a good weekend indeed. By the time I headed back to work, I was totally refreshed and ready for the world.

Hope this mid-week post gives you ideas on how to plan for your weekend!



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