Xaiver's birthday in Singapore

Celeste, Johannes, Xaiver and new born Aurora flew back to Singapore from Finland for a short visit.  Thats a crazily long trip for an entire family especially for little Aurora but they somehow made it! I had been very busy with work and was unable to meet them on several occasions but managed to finally squeeze time late one night to do a mini Swensons birthday celebration for Xavier.

While shopping for Xaiver’s birthday pressent, I came across this cute sparkly Japanese Minni Mouse baby rattle with a heart shaped handle and I immediately bought it for Baby Aurora. It’s so pretty it’s just fit for a little princess! Since it was all wrapped up, I initially gave that to Xaiver and told him it was his birthday present. He was so unhappy and crestfallen when he opened his present that it reminded me of the kids featured in Jimmy Kimmel’s ‘ I gave my kid a terrible present’ Youtube challenge! And if you haven’t seen what that’s all about, you oughta click the link cause it’s hilarious!

Of course we did give him his real present eventually and when he opened the box to see that it was the exact Nerf Gun model he was begging his parents to buy him a week ago, his face was once again priceless! I had no idea that was his dream gift at all, it just so happens that I bought it cause it looked like a really cool gift for a little boy.

It was nice catching up with the whole family and amazingly, despite them living in Finland (which is probably as far away from Singapore as you can get), I actually managed to celebrate Xaiver’s birthday with him for 3 years in a row. 2010 in Thailand, 2011 in Finland and 2012 in Singapore. Well, I hope he had a really good birthday with the multitudes of presents and celebrations he had this year and maybe fate will arrange it such that I’ll see him again next year.


I’ll sign off with my outfit of that day. It’s basically a simple outfit I wore to work before meeting the family up late at night.


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