
Sometime back I tried my hands on wake-boarding  after Clara’s enthusiastic approach to the sport got me curious. Koji went along with us that day but she didn’t wakeboard cause she was on a vegetarian diet for the day and was not feeling up to it. As usual, everyone was late! So I snapped pictures at Ponggol while waiting for Clara.

When all of us finally assembled it was out to open waters. Wake-boarding is a rather young sport considering that it only started some time in the 1980s and gained popularity only in the 1990s.

The speedboat ride is actually pretty scenic and we arrived at the chosen spot for the activity in a jiffy. A quick change of my top and I’m ready to learn the basics of wake-boarding from Jeremy, our instructor.

The starting part is the hardest. You’ve gotta learn how to stand and balance without using any force. I also learnt how to flip myself in the water should I fall face down.

We took videos and pictures but most of turned out blur especially the nice ones!! Bleahz. I guess I should take another trip with Clara so I can do a nice video of her wake-boarding… she should be in the more advance stages by now.

By the end of the day we were all exhausted. I had muscle aches for the next 2 days and even trying to comb my hair was a challenge. If you want to have nice toned muscles… this is a pretty good sport but try to do wake-boarding in the early mornings or evenings cause it’s pretty easy to turn 8 shades darker within a day if you have too much sun!




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