L'etoile Cafe


One of the Sunday afternoons, I met Sushi, my godson, Daryl, ET, JW, Regina and Jolene for tea at L’etoile Cafe near Farrer Road. Inspired by the indie cafes in Japan, L’Etoile is a lifestyle shop cum cafe with Japanese-French influences.

It’s supposed to be a light snacks and tea place but we were all pretty famished when we got there so I found the selection to be a little thin. The sandwiches were good but the chicken pie is subpar to me.

I think the cakes and the salted caramel ice-cream was pretty yummy so it’s some place you could go if  you only wanted to chill and nibble on sweets. Luckily, being with my girlies and my godson always brightens my day and makes up for all the negativity.

There were still some present exchanging going around and the passing of little items we’ve bough for each other. Little Leo was happily entertaining everyone with all his new knowledge. He now knows where his head is, how to rub his tummy to indicate he’s full, how to dance and more! He’s also finally able to wear the Ralph Laurent shirt I bought for him a year ago! Such a handsome little boy!

Sushi and were both carrying our initial bags that we bought at Dazzlin, Japan! I love this bag lots! It may look small but it can fit in tons of stuff! Look at how Sushi is able to use hers to fit in Leo’s stuff like a semi-diaper bag!

I’ll end this post with my outfit post of the day 🙂


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