New Year's 2012

I was actually away in Bangkok for the celebration of the start of 2012. I haven’t got round to sorting all the photos of that trip yet but here’s sharing with you how I celebrated my countdown to 2o12.

I headed to Bankok for the New Year weekend with Regina and Jw. Here we are waiting for our transport to our cruise at the hotel lobby. We had considered going to a party scene for countdown but was afraid it might get a little too rowdy and unsafe. Then there was the issue of getting back to the hotel post-countdown. In the end we decided to go for a lovely cruise along Bangkok’s famous Chao Phraya river to catch the fireworks with unobstructed view and no squeezing with crowds!

Despite having been to Bangkok countless of times, this is probably the first time I’ve taken the night cruise! The clientele at the cruise were mainly Europeans and all decked to the nines (some even in gowns!) for the countdown of the New Year. Regina and I were actually a little underdressed. We had both brought nice evening wear to Bangkok but decided in the very last moments that we should go with something simple in case we both turn out to be the only 2 overdress girls. I guess we should have stuck to our initial instincts.

There was live music, buffet spread and we had a good table at the bow of the upper deck giving us one of the best views of the river and the surrounding landscapes.  Our cruise seems almost too elegant and civilized compared to the loud booms and techno music coming from the clubs and pubs that were alongside the river. Totally reminds me of my clubbing adventure on a trip to Bangkok with Clara and Celeste, eons ago.

5,4,3,2….1! And the endless fireworks display began! There were so many different fireworks from different parts of the sky that I had a moment or two where I didn’t know which side to look. JW did a gorgeous job of taking photos of the fireworks.

The fireworks lasted for a really long time. And every time I thought it had come to an end, more will sprinkle into the sky! It was really a good place as any to experience the excitement of the masses welcoming 2012.



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