Christmas Late Night Party

Had quite a eventful Christmas Day in 2009 with about 3 different parties in the evening. The last one I attended was at Debbie’s place late into the night. I got there only close to midnight!

It was a cozy party with yummy kueh pie ti and booze. I got around chatting with some familiar faces and a couple of new ones and even tried my hand at Wii.

Zoe was so exhausted after being hyper around everyone! I didn’t bring Louis and Emmie to visit this time round cause they were busy entertaining my guests at home.

We got around discussing about cameras cause I was taking photos with my Canon DSLR. A number of them were into lomo cameras so I got to try them out as well. Here’s Priscilla’s gorgeous chrome camera that I had fun fiddling while she played with my DSLR.

I really loved Debbie and her mum’s self-decorated tree! It was really well done and she had real presents hanging on the tree as gifts for the guests to pick!

And here’s the outfit I wore to all the different parties on Christmas Day 2009.



  1. Ed
    June 28, 2010 / 5:07 pm

    Abit late right? It’s June 2010 now. Hahahaha!

    • June 29, 2010 / 2:42 am

      Haha! Well better late then never! More late postings to come!

  2. Ed
    June 28, 2010 / 5:07 pm

    Abit late right? It’s June 2010 now. Hahahaha!

    • June 29, 2010 / 2:42 am

      Haha! Well better late then never! More late postings to come!

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