Kuala Kangsar

We popped by Kular Kangsar, the royal town of Perak, to meet up with a distant auntie that stays there. Here you can see the famous clock tower in the town’s square.

The Sultan of Perak officially stays in this town and it also famed for having the very first rubber tree in the whole of Malaya planted on their town’s grounds by Henry Nicholas Ridley. That rubber tree still stands today.

Most of the photos I took had pictures of others and I’m not sure if they would mind having their photos out on my blog so I’ve decided to omit them. I will however share with you the flowers and fruits found in their garden.


I’m not sure what the fruit below is called. If anyone knows the name do give a shout out. However, I was told that it is extremely good for health. You are supposed to slice the fruit into thin slices, sun dry it and then add it into hot water to make some sort of a herbal drink that can help lower blood pressure and heatiness.



  1. Ling
    June 9, 2010 / 10:27 pm

    The fruit is called Tongkat Ali!

    • June 10, 2010 / 1:35 pm


      Nice guess. But I’m pretty sure it isn’t tongkat ali though.

  2. Ling
    June 9, 2010 / 10:27 pm

    The fruit is called Tongkat Ali!

    • June 10, 2010 / 1:35 pm


      Nice guess. But I’m pretty sure it isn’t tongkat ali though.

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