The birth of Baby Arielle

Bernice is one of my oldest friends and I’ve known her for more than 15 years. So the birth of her little girl was something really exciting for me too. My good friend is now a mummy and I’m an aunt to little Arielle!

I headed down to the hospital as soon as I heard the news! Arielle is such a beautiful healthy baby and she is very blessed to have such wonderful parents like Kelvin and Bernice.

Birthing had to be induced cause Arielle was getting too big. But everything went smoothly… I know who to ask for tips next time when it’s my turn!

Having a kid is a lifestyle change… I dare say it’s an even bigger decision then getting married. There’s no return path in having children… they will be your baby till the day you die. You can’t help but love them and with such immense love, a lot of sacrifices would be made willingly to give the best for your kid. Bernice is still on maternity leave but her dedication and care to little Arielle leaves her busy every single day… even more busy then when she was working. Suddenly there’s so much to learn and so much responsibility to shoulder but it’s all worthwhile when you see the little angel smile sweetly back at you.

Here’s Arielle’s daddy… the one who will hold her hand and protect her from the boys when she grows up.

I’m so happy for them! Happy to see the gorgeous new addition to their family.


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