{TBT} Any difference?


Dress: Snidel
Wedges: Pazzion
Customized Clutch: Birthday gift
Watch: Thomas Earnshaw (sponsored by Cocomi)

These photos were taken a year ago in January 2015. 365 days just flew by and I wonder what impact it has left on me. Have I changed mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually? My character is still pretty much the same but my attitude to life may have differed. I’m still at crossroads now and there are possible huge storms in 2016 that my blow the course of my life in different directions. So I guess now is good time as any to put a little marker. Inspired by some Australian bloggers, this is a post to take stock of my feeling and thoughts at this point in time.

Making : lots and lots of tea. I have always had a tea drinking habit with camomile and honey ginger tea on the top of my lists. My dear friend, Clara, brought me some new tea flavours from Australia to try recently and I’m intending to savour it this weekend.

Cooking : Maple Brown Sugar Oats. I usually have condense milk with my oats and can easily turn a healthy breakfast into a sinful one so this new formula helps to reduce my morning sugar intake.

Drinking : Nekisse n2 cold drip coffee. Recently Raphael got his hands on some gorgeous Ninetyplus single origin coffee beans from Melbourne and he creates magnificent cold coffee for me by ice dripping them in geeky science lab looking devices over 6 – 8 hours. Flavourful and clear, these are almost the only kind of coffee I drink.

Reading: A Hakka Women’s Singapore Stories by Lee Wei Ling. I have always found her a fascinating character who echos a lot of ethical values that I admire.

Wanting: another beach getaway. It’s addictive.

Looking: At destinations and places to travel once I can take a break from my current work project.

Playing: Taboo which was one of the presents I got for my sister during Christmas.

Deciding: if I should drop everything and start something new.

Wishing: for happiness. For myself and all those I love and care about.

Enjoying: the company of my cocker spaniel, Louis. It’s so comforting to have him snuggle up when I’m in bed, greet me enthusiastically when I wake in the morning and settle himself at my feet whenever I’m at my computer.

Waiting: for lives on pocket mine 2. This strangely compelling game I started playing on my iphone.

Liking: the rain. I’m also really glad that the hazy season has gone.

Wondering: if I’ll get Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) when I go Tibet in April.

Loving: small gestures that makes me feel loved.

Pondering: learning a new skill set.

Considering: going back to school.

Watching: Running man, Empress Ki and Z nation

Hoping: to clear a bunch of stuffs.

Marvelling: at how I survive with so little sleep sometimes.

Needing: to want less.

Smelling: lavender and rose from my DIY face spritz.

Wearing: comfy singlet and boxers.

Following: Hiroaki Fukuda of @hirozzzz for his beautiful travel and photography photos.

Noticing: that my calendar is fast filling up again.

Knowing: that I’ll be travelling extensively in Spring.

Thinking: if netflix (which is now available in Singapore) is worth subscribing.

Admiring: rose gold ombre hair, Maybe it’s time for me to do a color change.

Sorting: old clothes to pass to my sister.

Buying: ebooks from Amazon. I could get out of hand. Please stop me.

Getting: my brows touched up next week.

Bookmarking: accommodations in various destinations I look forward to visiting this year.

Disliking: housework.

Opening: my latest parcel from Bang & Olufsen.

Giggling: tons of nonsense on Facebook and chat groups these days keep me entertained.

Feeling: sleepy. Writing this post took me longer than expected.

Snacking: Lotus caramel biscuits.

Coveting: arrow chips and new year goodies.

Wishing: more time to spend with people I love.

Helping: a colleague with her report.

Hearing: “Shots” by Imagine Dragon

Have a great week everyone! Thanks for reading.


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