Koji's Birthday

This post is more photos then words cause I only have about 15 mins to blog before my pal calls me back. And that’s about the time it takes to upload the photos!

Well, I titled this post Koji’s Birthday. However, to be more accurate, it was both Clara and Koji’s birthday since their birthday is only one day apart. But since we had another birthday outing for Clara’s birthday so I nominated the title of this post to Koji.

I  headed straight from the airport home to bake a cake just in time to pick Gio and Clara up. It was a  super duper late dinner and everyone was starving by the time we got there.

We were at South Pier having dinner on the top deck of a riverboat. Food wasn’t too bad but the service was rather slow. Luckily they redeemed themselves by having really good promotional discounts the day we were there.

Cake time! I was really glad the cake turned out fine cause I was in such a hurry that day!

Koji loved her presents! As you can tell from the photos!

It was something she was eyeing for some time!

A medium black hair ribbon clip.

And a very sweet dusty pink ribbon hairband!

When I was at the store getting Koji’s present I tried on the hairband as well and got tempted to get one for myself! The SA was telling me that the hairbands were made in Italy and look so lovely on me. So eventually I caved in and bought the red one for myself.

Koji says we should wear out hairbands out together one fine day!

Next we went to Helipad for some drinks. Sushi managed to join us… she was leaving the next day to Australia and had to pack up so she couldn’t come earlier.

It was our first time there and silly me thought that this silver door was a lift door!

We chose to sit the outdoor sitting on the top floor of helipad. The atmosphere pretty relaxing.

Here are photos of the girls!

From where we sat, we could see the inverse bungee and hear the screams of those who took the ride. We were all egging Clara to go try it since she has a fear of such rides.



  1. Wendy
    September 16, 2009 / 12:48 am

    Babe, how much was the hairband? So lovely!

  2. Wendy
    September 16, 2009 / 12:48 am

    Babe, how much was the hairband? So lovely!

  3. September 16, 2009 / 1:05 am


    It’s $130!

  4. September 16, 2009 / 1:05 am


    It’s $130!

  5. Wendy
    September 16, 2009 / 1:32 am

    Thanks babe!

  6. Wendy
    September 16, 2009 / 1:32 am

    Thanks babe!

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