Sweets of Alcalá de Henares

If you have no idea where Alcalá de Henares is then please read all about this amazing UNESCO Heritage Site in my previous post about Alcalá de Henares. As a visitor to Alcalá, I found the University city environment so relaxing and peaceful that had I more time, I’ll be contented to spend the day just reading a book in the middle of Plaza Cervantes while snacking on a pastry or sandwich. Since I was there only for 2 nights, I did more sightseeing then reading. However, I did end up snacking on many sweets and pastries throughout the day.

Singapore generally lacks good bread and pastries and even if you could find good ones, they don’t come cheap. In Spain, I was spoilt for choices and ended up trying a million (obviously exaggerated) different kinds of sweets and pastries. I’ll buy one whenever a bakery catches my attention. With all the beautiful displays, its hard not to get tempted. The big round almond pastry I was pictured in at the beginning of this post is only one euro!

My favourite snack is either the chocolate donut or the homemade potato chips fried in olive oil that you can find in any mom and pop grocers around Spain. One huge bag is only one euro and they are healthier and tastier than those factory prepackaged ones.

Hope these photos of pretty cookies and delicious pastries helped to brighten your Monday. Thanks for reading.


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