6 impossible things before breakfast

A while a ago, my dear little (actually, not-so-little) goddaughter, Audrey came to pick me for brunch.

It was a catchup session of sorts and she was relating to me her unhappiness surrounding parts of her life and about the disheartening criticisms she’s has been enduring. So this post is for her, and for those who feel that the world is full of people working against them and trampling their fragile spirits every day.

It’s difficult to hold on to dreams and work towards a better future. No matter what you do, there are bound to be negative people around you that would encourage you to give up; who’ll don’t believe you can succeed; the people that are jealous of your determination to work towards  your goals.

The people that pull you down constantly with their words think that just because they can’t do it, you can’t. So don’t let their negative energy get to you. But there is so much strength and possibilities within you as long as you put your mind to it so dream as big as you want!  In the book, Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll, the The White Queen says: “Why, sometimes I believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

I may not be considered a wise old woman but I know that my experiences have taught me a few things. Firstly, do not waste time arguing or banter with those who will only leave you feeling low at the end of the conversation. This is especially true for those who take the passive aggressive route. Just take the high road and ignore.

Secondly, learn to cut off. This is one of the toughest lessons for me and even now I find it difficult to do. But if someone, friend or foe, gives you more grief, stress and unhappiness then you need to handle, it’s best to cut the cord. It’s hard to fly high when you are tethered down to someone who is only trying to pull you back. I appreciate criticism especially those that are constructive or only want the best for me. In fact, the best of friends aren’t afraid to tell you the ugly truth. But it is the type of criticisms that sprout out of envy, pettiness or selfishness that are both cruel and toxic. Don’t tie a weight to your ankle when you want to fly so sometimes I’ve learnt that letting go is better for me.

PS- I love the color of the Longchamp I bought for Audrey when I went Paris. I was tempted to get one for myself but I really have way too many Longchamp foldable totes already.







  1. Wendy
    July 5, 2012 / 2:18 pm

    Hey babe, where is this place that you went for brunch? looks really yummy!!!

    • July 12, 2012 / 3:11 pm

      Hi Wendy,

      This place is called Lots Gourmet. It’s at 965A Upper Changi Road North, Singapore 507665.

  2. Wendy
    July 5, 2012 / 2:18 pm

    Hey babe, where is this place that you went for brunch? looks really yummy!!!

    • July 12, 2012 / 3:11 pm

      Hi Wendy,

      This place is called Lots Gourmet. It’s at 965A Upper Changi Road North, Singapore 507665.

  3. Everest
    July 18, 2012 / 1:58 pm

    Nicely written and oh so true… But sometimes I wonder if letting go of these negative people would make us heartless and overly practical.

    • July 23, 2012 / 11:04 pm

      Hi Everest,

      I know what you mean and I try my best not to cut anyone out. It’s the hardest thing for me to do, But personally, I feel we all know deep inside which are the people worth trying for and which ones are just trying to take a stab as us for their own selfish gains. You can’t love others if they make you hate yourself.

  4. Everest
    July 18, 2012 / 1:58 pm

    Nicely written and oh so true… But sometimes I wonder if letting go of these negative people would make us heartless and overly practical.

    • July 23, 2012 / 11:04 pm

      Hi Everest,

      I know what you mean and I try my best not to cut anyone out. It’s the hardest thing for me to do, But personally, I feel we all know deep inside which are the people worth trying for and which ones are just trying to take a stab as us for their own selfish gains. You can’t love others if they make you hate yourself.

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