Best of my trip to Spain – Segovia

Best of my trip to Spain – Segovia

I had the most wonderful time exploring Spain last year and have been answering quite a bit of emails about the places I went after posting up photos of them on my Instagram account (@renzze).…

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UNESCO Heritage Site: Alcalá de Henares

UNESCO Heritage Site: Alcalá de Henares

Technically, I was in Alcalá de Henares, Spain, during end winter season. But spring came a week or two earlier this year and the weather was simply perfect with blue skies and cool weather. I could…

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6 Cities to visit in Spain from Madrid

6 Cities to visit in Spain from Madrid

I’ve been traveling for the majority of 2015 and one of the most impressive destinations I’ve travelled to is Spain. It’s a country I would re-visit again and again because there is just so much…

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