{N.E.mation ! 10} BAMM

{N.E.mation ! 10} BAMM

I’ll be introducing one of my N.E.mation teams, BAMM, in this post. The four girls from St Nicholas Girls Secondary school are one of the talented top teams that made it through countless of selections.…

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10 years of N.E.mation!

10 years of N.E.mation!

Wow. I can’t hardly believe that it’s been a whole decade since N.E.mation! first started (If you have completely no idea on what N.E.mation! is about, you can read my previous postings). I’ve been involved…

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Some interesting things I’ve learnt about my N.E.mation teams

Some interesting things I’ve learnt about my N.E.mation teams

The production period of the N.E.mation! 8 is now over and I’m really excited to see what the final animations of my two teams. I’ve gotten to know teams Partta Kappa and Alpacalypse quite well…

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