Slow Travel

Slow Travel

I’ve traveled (a lot) to many different countries for many years now. My travel agendas and habits have evolved so much compared to when I first started. While a significant part of my trips are work…

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37 of The Best Things That Money Can’t Buy

37 of The Best Things That Money Can’t Buy

As I’m sitting in the dining room of my friend’s house on a beautiful island in Sweden, I realised that I am very blessed with many simple but wonderful experiences by just living a simple…

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Tea and Memory

Tea and Memory

A memory is one of the strongest, most powerful thing that we carry along with us every single day. Our experiences and our memories have shaped us to be the person we are today and…

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Daniel and Debra’s Wedding

Daniel and Debra’s Wedding

I’ve known Debra since I was 13. We used to take the same SBS bus 73 home and hang around the Lorong Chuan/Serangoon Gardens estate after school. Her laughter is perpetually infectious and fond memories of…

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Thinking about work

Thinking about work

I’ve been thinking a lot about work today. I’ve just ended a major phase of a project and in the midst of discussion about what role I can play to assist them in the next…

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{Travelling Tuesday} Mount Fuji and a quick update about me

{Travelling Tuesday} Mount Fuji and a quick update about me

I’ve been to Mount Fuji in Japan several times but this was probably the first time I saw it from the plane (this is why I always choose the window seat on a plane). It…

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