Hair Rituel by Sisley

Hair Rituel by Sisley

If we take such good care of the skin on our face, why shouldn’t we spend the same amount of effort on our hair? After all, for many girls, a good head of healthy hair…

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Scalp care with Trichokare

Scalp care with Trichokare

Sorry for the lack of updates on my blog. I’ve been trying to work my way around The Great Firewall Of China and have met with erratic connections and unpredictable success. Right now, I’m on the…

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Hair Transformation Happens At Toliv Boutique

Hair Transformation Happens At Toliv Boutique

Michelle and all the other angels at Toliv Boutique are my lifesavers. Without their expertise and dedication ensuring beautiful hair for each and everyone of their customers, my hair would look like a pile of…

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Eruca Hair Products

Eruca Hair Products

I’m terrible to my hair on a daily basis. I abuse them through neglect. Yet, waking up with a bad hair day really ruins my mood so something needs to be done. I’ve been relying…

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Toliv Salon

Toliv Salon

There some aspects of my beauty regime that I refuse to DIY and would only leave it to the hands of experts. One of this is my crowning glory. Waking up with good hair really…

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