Blushing Pink and my life in 2015

Blushing Pink and my life in 2015

  31st December 2015. The last day of the year is finally here. Looking back on the last 12 months, I have so much to be grateful for so here’s a sweet pink Alice McCall…

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37 of The Best Things That Money Can’t Buy

37 of The Best Things That Money Can’t Buy

As I’m sitting in the dining room of my friend’s house on a beautiful island in Sweden, I realised that I am very blessed with many simple but wonderful experiences by just living a simple…

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Snapshots of February 2013

Snapshots of February 2013

I can’t believe it’s March already! I’m 1/4 into the year and it feels as if my year just started. Here’s a look at how I spent February 2013. Here I am at the Helsinki Airport in…

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