Tiong Hoe Specialty Coffee

Tiong Hoe Specialty Coffee

Having friends (like Raphael and JW) who are coffee fanatics means I get try out interesting coffee places during our meetups. One weekend (quite awhile ago already) brought us to Tiong Hoe Specialty Coffee at…

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White Sands is back with more to offer

White Sands is back with more to offer

For the longest time (especially to the Eastsiders,) White Sands Shopping Mall has been closed down for renovations and I can’t be more excited that it’s finally reopening (slowly) with a refresh look, an even…

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January 2015 {InstaFlashback}

January 2015 {InstaFlashback}

It’s June already! How fast 2015 seems to be speeding by. Here’s a throwback to the beginning of this year where I started my first few hours of 2015 at the Universal Studios countdown. Made…

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Yorijori – Korean BBQ & Chicken Cuisine in the heartlands

Yorijori – Korean BBQ & Chicken Cuisine in the heartlands

Personally, I have found Singapore to be getting increasingly populated and I would try as much as I can to avoid heading into the city (especially on weekends). Luckily, heartland areas now offer a full selection of…

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Durian Mobilisation 2014

Durian Mobilisation 2014

I love durians and there’s no better way of eating the king of fruits than to share it with like-minded fellow Singaporeans (all 350 of them) when the best durians are in season! The moment…

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{Sundays with Raphael} Khun Mee Thai

{Sundays with Raphael} Khun Mee Thai

Ever since my Thai foodie trip to Phuket in May, I’ve been mesmerised by all the Thai delicacies and my taste buds are just craving for more. As a food enthusiast, it is not uncommon…

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Places with MOMENTUM

Places with MOMENTUM

I was really excited to be a part of the launch of ‘Places with MOMENTUM’ initiative. I’ve been a fan of the premium German audio company, Sennheiser, for the longest time. In fact, I never…

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2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil with McDonald’s!

2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil with McDonald’s!

It’s football fever all over the world with the 2014 FIFA World Cup happening. McDonald’s (as always) knows exactly what gets their customers going and they have planned a whole series of fun and activities…

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Mother’s Day Celebration with Swee Heng 1989

Mother’s Day Celebration with Swee Heng 1989

I’m a big  huge fan of old school breads and cakes. Nothing beats the smell and taste of freshly baked buns and I’m glad that even though Singapore has advanced more rapidly then most nations in…

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Plush Nails

Plush Nails

I had my previous set of nails done at Plush Nails and received endless compliments wherever I went. Plush already had the thumbs up from local popular beauty forum CozyCot and I just had to…

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